Roast Goose with Sweet-Sour Sauerkraut

Roast Goose with Sweet-Sour Sauerkraut

A reliable recipe that will shine at any festive occasion.


  • Goose breast with skin – 1 piece


  • Honey – 2 tablespoons
  • Soy sauce – 2 tablespoons
  • Ground ginger – 1 teaspoon
  • Olive oil – 2 tablespoons
  • Fine iodized sea salt – to taste
  • Colored pepper – to taste
  • Sweet-Sour Sauerkraut:
    • Sauerkraut – 1 liter
    • Lean bacon – 20 dag
    • Onion – 1 piece
    • Apple – 1 piece
    • True honey – 1/2 cup
    • Dried cranberries – 1 tablespoon
    • Raisins – 1 tablespoon
    • Water – 1/2 liter
    • Wheat flour – 1 tablespoon
    • Salt – to taste
    • Ground black pepper – to taste


  1. Thaw the goose breast in the refrigerator, wash it, pat it dry with paper towels, and gently score the skin without damaging the meat’s structure. Place it in an ovenproof dish. Prepare the marinade: Mix honey with soy sauce, olive oil, add ginger, salt, and ground colored pepper. Rub the meat with the marinade on each side, close the dish, and refrigerate overnight. The next day, pour half a cup of water over the meat and bake in a closed dish for 1.5 hours at 180°C. Leave the meat in the oven until it cools completely. Pour the baking fat into a bowl.
  2. Sweet-Sour Sauerkraut: Squeeze the sauerkraut – keep the brine for souring, then cover the sauerkraut with cold water and cook until soft, drain in a colander.
  3. Pour the baking fat from the meat into a saucepan, add diced onion and bacon to it, and fry covered for 5 minutes. Then add a tablespoon of flour, add the cooked sauerkraut, pour in water, season to taste with salt and pepper, and cook covered for 5 minutes.
  4. In a pan, pour honey and add diced peeled apple – caramelize the apples until they start to soften.
  5. Add them to the sauerkraut along with dried cranberries and, if desired, cherries, sour the whole thing with two tablespoons of sauerkraut juice, and cook for another 5 minutes, then remove from heat. Serve the goose on a platter, topped with stewed sauerkraut.

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