Honeydew Melon Carpaccio

Honeydew Melon Carpaccio

Fresh, juicy fruits, refreshing mint leaves, and a hint of strong alcohol. Tempting and sweet combination!


  • Sugar – 50 g
  • Grapefruit – 1 piece
  • Fresh mint – 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – 10 ml
  • Strawberries – 70 g
  • Vodka – 15 ml
  • Honeydew melon – 1 piece

Strawberry-Mint Sauce

  • Powdered sugar – 30 g
  • Fresh mint – 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon juice – 5 ml
  • Strawberries – 100 g
  • Vodka – 10 ml


Slice the honeydew melon.

Wash and peel the honeydew melon, remove the seeds, and slice into slices about 4-5 mm thick. Peel and segment the grapefruit; squeeze out the juice from the remnants. Prepare a sweet marinade for the melon using the grapefruit juice.

Boil the honeydew melon juice with sugar.

Boil the melon juice with sugar until it boils, allowing some liquid to evaporate. Remove from heat and let it cool. Once cooled, add finely chopped mint leaves, then vodka and lemon juice. The marinade can be blended.

Pour the honeydew melon with the sweet marinade.

In a flat dish, place the sliced melon, pouring over the sweet marinade. Place it in the refrigerator for about an hour. On a plate, arrange the marinated honeydew melon slices, grapefruit segments, and a few slices of fresh strawberries (for decoration), along with fresh mint leaves.

Serving: Serve with the strawberry-mint sauce.

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