Drink Count Mast Negroni

Count Mast Negroni

In the original Negroni, we have Campari liqueur, which in this recipe is replaced with Jagermeister. The drink consists of equal parts gin, sweet Martini vermouth, and Jagermeister. It’s a strong cocktail, and to reduce its strength, you can increase the proportion of sweet Martini vermouth. Serve it in a lowball glass or a cocktail glass, garnished with a lemon or lime twist.


  • Sweet Martini vermouth – 1/3 (50 ml in a cocktail glass)
  • Jagermeister – 1/3 (50 ml in a cocktail glass)
  • Gin – 1/3 (50 ml in a cocktail glass)
  • Ice cubes


  1. Place all ingredients along with ice cubes in a shaker and shake well.
  2. Strain the contents of the shaker into a cocktail glass (without the ice cubes).
  3. Optionally garnish with a twist of lemon or lime.

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